Developed by Maria Lopez Castano, Valeria is a Spanish comedy-drama series, made for Netflix. Castano was the executive producer for Season 1 whereas Marina Perez and...
Directed by Kalia Alabrudzińska and Piotr Domalewski, Sexify is a Polish language sex comedy streaming television series. The first season of the show with eight episodes...
Created by Meg DeLoatch, Family Reunion is an American sitcom. On October 17, 2018, it was announced that Netflix had given the production a straight-to-series order...
Netflix’s comedy-drama series Sex Education has managed to receive positive response from critics and audiences. The first season premiered on January 11, 2019 followed by the...
Emily in Paris is a comedy-drama series created by Darren Star. The Netflix series is produced by MTV Entertainment Studios and was originally developed for Paramount...