Blood & Water is a South African teen crime drama television series written by Nosipho Dumisa-Ngoasheng, Daryne Joshua, and Travis Taute. Dumisa-Ngoasheng, Joshua, and Taute are...
Developed by Gambit Films for Netflix, Blood & Water is a South African teen crime drama television series. The series follows a girl who transfers to...
Created and directed by Kondzilla, Sintonia is a Brazilian crime teen drama streaming television series that premiered on Netflix on August 9, 2019. The series is...
Written by Nosipho Dumisa-Ngoasheng, Daryne Joshua and Travis Taute, Blood & Water is a South African teen crime drama television series. Dumisa-Ngoasheng, Joshua and Taute are...
Written by Jens Lapidus and Oskar Söderlund, and directed by Jesper Ganslandt, Snabba Cash is a 2021 Swedish streaming television series. It is based on Lapidus’...
Created by Alex Pina and Esther Martinez Lobato, Sky Rojo is a Spanish black comedy action crime drama television series. Pina and Lobato are also the...
Created by Raphael Montes, Good Morning, Veronica is a Brazilian television series based on the novel of the same name. Montes is also the executive producer...
Created by Pedro Morelli, Brotherhood is a Brazilian crime drama web television series, developed for Netflix. Morelli has also directed the episodes of the show, and...
Created and directed by Kondzilla, Sintonia is a Brazilian crime teen drama streaming television series. The series links the first order of the criminal organization Primeiro...
Netflix crime drama Young Wallander is now coming back with a new season. It is based on Henning Mankell’s fictional inspector Kurt Wallander and the first...