Based on Patricia Highsmith’s 1955 crime novel The Talented Mr. Ripley, Ripley is an upcoming American psychological thriller television series. The executive producers of the show...
The Midnight Club is an upcoming television series based on Christopher Pike’s renowned novel that goes by the same title. Created by Mike Flanagan and Leah...
Created by Vanessa Gazy, Echoes is an upcoming drama television miniseries made for Netflix. Gazy is also the executive producer alongside Brian Yorkey, Imogen Banks and...
Created by Raphael Montes, Good Morning, Veronica is a Brazilian television series based on the novel of the same name. Montes is also the executive producer...
Created by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke, Outer Banks is an action-adventure mystery teen drama streaming television series produced for Netflix. Josh, Jonas, and...
Mystery thriller Lupin has managed to receive a positive response from critics and audiences. The show premiered on Netflix on January 8, 2021, and was released...