Created by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan, The Watcher is an upcoming 2022 Netflix original limited series. Murphy and Brennan also served as executive producers of...
The much-awaited third season of Never Have I Ever is finally around the corner. The comedy-drama series revolves around the life of Devi Vishwakumar, an Indian-American...
The first season of the series was released on December 6, 2019. The second season followed on November 27, 2020, and the third season on July...
Created by Jeb Stuart, Vikings: Valhalla is a historical action drama television series from Netflix. It is a sequel to History’s Vikings, filmed in County Wicklow,...
Disenchanment is an American animated fantasy satirical comedy series created and developed by Matt Groening for Netflix. The series follows the medieval tale of a drunken...
Hello, Readers! If you like Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s performance as Huntress in Birds of Prey but wish you could have seen her in action, you’ll want...
Master of None is an American epic comedy and drama television series that has earned critical acclaim from both the viewers and critics. The stunning and...
The new french netflix series ‘Lupin’ aired on 8th January 2020 is a show about a thrilling heist. Created by George Kay and François Uzan and...
Surviving Death is based on best-selling author and journalist Leslie Kean’s book of the same name. The six-part series Surviving Death weaves together innovative new research. It is a...
Enjoyed watching ‘Big Mouth’ and eager to learn more about the upcoming season? This is the perfect article to learn about Big Mouth Season 4 Release...