Created by George Kay and Jim Field Smith, Criminal: the UK is a Police procedural anthology series that first premiered on Netflix in 2019. The show is a...
Presented by Jon Favreau and Roy Choi, The Chef Show is an American television cooking show networked by Netflix. This show is a spin-off from the 2014...
Created by Jack Whitehall, Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father is a travel documentary comedy TV show which airs on Netflix. We have come across several road trip shows but...
Directed by Travis Taute, Dyrne Joshua and Nosipho Dumisa, Blood and Water is a South African Netflix original web series. The season 1 of the series received...
Directed by Lisa James Larsson and Hannah Quinn, Fate-The Winx Saga is an upcoming young adult drama series that is based on Winx Club by Iginio Straffi. Winx...
Directed by Joe Mantello The Boys in the Band is an upcoming 2020 Netflix original movie which is an adaptation of the 1968 classic LGBTQ+ stage...
Directed by Sophia Nahli Allison, A Love Song for Latasha is an American documentary film which will release on 21st September 2020, on Netflix. Latasha Harlins was...
Directed by Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed, My Octopus Teacher is a 2020 documentary film which released on 7th September 2020. Well, if you are wondering what...
Netflix has been doing pretty good lately with their originals, digging up the rare genres and finely scripted movies and series, giving us a roller coaster...
Netflix is about to release a fresh and exciting sci-fi drama series in September 2020. Fortunately, the filming of the show concluded just before the havoc...