The Babysitter – Killer Queen, an upcoming Netflix Movie, is the sequel of The Babysitter, which premiered on Netflix back in 2017. The movie is written by...
The good news for all the fans of Outer Banks is that Netflix has confirmed the return of the show with season 2 of the much-loved...
Netflix is about to drop a new musical series in September 2020 and viewers are thrilled. Julie and the Phantoms, the new Netflix show is based on Julie...
After the massive popularity and love received from the audience for season 1, fans were looking forward to a season 2 of the I Am Not...
Warrior Nun, a Netflix series, which is an adaptation of the comic book character Warrior Nun Areala by Ben Dunn, Netflix aired the first season of the show...
Lost in Space is an American Sci-fi TV series which premiered on Netflix in 2018. This series is based on the 1965 series which is also...
Created by Carlos Montero and Darío Madrona, Elite is a Thriller Teen Drama series networked by Netflix. The show received recognition just after the first season itself...
The Haunting of Bly Manor is the follow-up season of one of the spookiest Netflix horror anthology series The Haunting of Hill House(2018). The first season set in...
Directed by Brett Haley, All Together Now is an upcoming American Drama which is based on Matthew Quick’s book Sorta Like A Rockstar. Brett Haley himself said “The...
Trinkets Season 1 is an American teen episodic drama created by Smith, Amy Andelson, and Emily Meyer. Season 1 finale has left the viewers with so...