After a long wait, Stranger Things Season 4 is finally coming into our lives. Stranger Things is an American sci-fi Netflix series that first premiered on...
Netflix original animated comedy series Hoops made its debut on our screens in August 2020. The genre of the show is satire comedy. The show was...
Netflix recently released an animated movie called Fearless. The movie is an animated superhero movie. It is the perfect weekend watch to enjoy with your kids...
Netflix original reality tv show Selling Sunset released its season three last week! The show is a reality tv show. It follows the lives of real...
Netflix original documentary series Connected: The Hidden Science of Everything made its debut in August 2020. The show is a scientific documentary series that dwells into...
Netflix original show Umbrella Academy recently released its season two. The show had released its season one in 2019. The show since its release has been...
Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, is an anime show which is based on the manga of the same name. It is was initially written in...
Netflix original Jim Henson’s Word Party released its season four in January 2020. The show has a total of four seasons currently. It made its debut...
Netflix original Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak aired on our tv screens in January 2020. The show is a documentary on pandemic diseases. The show covers...
Nailed It, is a reality-based competitive baking show! This show had covered three seasons in America. The creators of the show decided to take the show...