Created by Peter Morgan, The Crown is a historical drama television series about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Morgan also served as executive producer of...
Hello, Readers! Ghost lab is an American Television Movie. This is a horror-themed series. The thriller Ghost Lab, directed by “Goff” Paween Purijitpanya, is about supernatural...
Written and directed by Jarand Herdal, Cadaver is an upcoming Netflix Original film, it is the first-ever Norwegian film to be networked by Netflix. The film is an absolute blend...
When the live adaptation of the Japanese manga Death Note premiered on Netflix, it received quite a lot of flak for apparently “whitewashing” the film. The film got mixed critic reviews...
Netflix’s new movie The Willoughbys is a new animated children’s film that will enchantment to both dad and mom searching for new content material for their...
Dan Stevens’ persona Alexander Lemtov has stolen the hearts of many in Netflix’s Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga. No one acquainted with Dan...