The upcoming American musical fantasy film, Snow White is directed by Marc Webb. The film will be adapted from the Disney film released in 1937 which...
Written, directed, and produced by Christopher McQuarrie, Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One is an upcoming American action spy film. It serves as a sequel...
The upcoming American supernatural horror film, Insidious: Fear the Dark is the fifth installment in the Insidious franchise and the fifth installment in terms of chronology....
The upcoming American science fiction action film, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is directed by Steven Caple Jr. which is the seventh installment in the Transformers...
Written by Justin Lin and Dan Mazeau and directed by Louis Leterrier, Fast X is an upcoming American action film which is also known as Fast...
Written and directed by James C. Strouse, Love Again is an upcoming American romantic comedy-drama film. It is based on the 2016 German movie SMS für...
Written and directed by Ari Aster who is also the producer of the upcoming American surrealist comedy horror film, Beau Is Afraid. The film features Joaquin...
The upcoming American supernatural horror drama film Evil Dead Rise is directed and written by Irish film writer and director Lee Cronin. This will be the...
The upcoming American comedy horror film, Renfield is directed by Chris McKay. The movie is based on an original idea of Robert Kirkman and a reboot...
The upcoming American romantic comedy drama film Your Place or Mine is directed and written by Aline Brosh McKenna. The film hired stars like Ashton Kutcher...