Created by Evan Romansky, Ratched is a psychological thriller television series, made for Netflix. Aleen Keshishian, Margaret Riley, Jacob Epstein, Michael Douglas, Robert Mitas, Jennifer Salt,...
Created by Tony Basgallop, Servant is an American psychological horror streaming television series. On February 27, 2018, it was announced that Apple Inc. had given the...
Created by Graham Roland, Dark Winds is an American psychological thriller television series. It is based on the Leaphorn & Chee novel series by Tony Hillerman....
Directed by Ben Stiller, Severance is a science fiction psychological thriller series made for Apple TV+ and premiered on February 18, 2022. The series is all...
Created by Tony Basgallop, Servant is an American psychological horror streaming television series. On February 27, 2018, it was announced that Apple Inc. had given the...
Created by Dan Erickson, Severance is an American science fiction psychological thriller television series. The show is directed by Ben Stiller and Aoife McArdle. Erickson is...
Created by Tony Basgallop, Servant is an American psychological horror streaming television series. Basgallop has also served as an executive producer of the show along with...
Created by Veronica West, Surface is an upcoming psychological thriller miniseries for Apple TV+. West is also the executive producer alongside Sam Miller, Lauren Neustadter, and...
Created by Dan Erickson, Severance is a science fiction psychological thriller series made for Apple TV+. Erickson is also the executive producer alongside Ben Stiller, Nicholas...
Created by Sigal Avin, Losing Alice is a psychological thriller, made for Hot 3 and Apple TV+. Avin is also the executive producer alongside Guy Levi,...