The passion of Jay Elle Since birth, Jay Elle’s life has revolved around music, and his purpose on this earth was established. His aunt purchased Jay...
Speaking your truth into existence is one of the important things represented by Pharron’Gliss’ Fields. Since his birth, he has faced a lot of low moments in...
Pursuing your dreams if you want to meet our aspirations is highly expensive. Various people, including your family, friends, and even yourself, can think you are...
JU$ Is Focused On Building a Hip-Hop Legacy and Empire in 2021 Leading hip-hop acts have played a pivotal role in boosting the net income for most companies. Coca-Cola,...
Leaving the streets is everyone’s wish. Not everyone can stand it. That’s why God Almighty has created sidewalks. There are multiple things to talk about in...
Singers are born and not created. Possessing a voice that affects and changes the emotions of people is a powerful divine gift. Singing to people’s souls...
The essence of hip-hop is its characteristically uncensored, raw nature. Unlike mainstream American music, Hip-Hop songs are bold, inspiring, and unlike other genres of music, the...
Major Recording Artist/Entrepreneur Lady Queet is a self-made American success story. Lady Queet’s music, brand, and vision are nothing short of pure inspiration. Knowing your purpose in life is complicated,...
In the beginning, people didn’t even consider Hip-Hop to be music. The majority of Americans thought hip-hop was a fad that would last one season and...
There was a time when Hip-Hop wasn’t considered music at all. The majority of Americans felt Hip-Hop was a temporary trend with zero sustainability. As time...