Made for Apple TV+, Severance is a science fiction psychological thriller series which is directed by Ben Stiller. The plot of the series is based on...
Created by Chris Sheridan, Resident Alien is a science fiction mystery comedy-drama series made for Syfy. Sheridan is also the executive producer alongside Mike Richardson, Keith...
Written by David Benioff, D.B. Weiss and Alexander Woo, The Three-Body Problem is an upcoming science fiction series, made for Netflix. Benioff, Weiss and Woo are...
Made for Apple TV+, Severance is a science fiction psychological thriller series which is directed by Ben Stiller. The plot of the series is based on...
Created by Donald P. Bellisario, Quantum Leap is an American science fiction television series aired on NBC. The executive producers of the show include Donald P....
Produced by Keshet Studios and Universal Television, La Brea is an American science fiction drama television series. David Appelbaum has also served as executive producer of...
Created by Leslye Headland, The Acolyte is an upcoming American television series. The series is part of the Star Wars franchise, which is set at the...
Made for Apple TV+, Severance is a science fiction psychological thriller series which is directed by Ben Stiller. The plot of the series is based on...
Star Trek: Discovery is an American television series created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman. Premiered on September 24, 2017, it is the seventh Star Trek...
Created and written by Ronald D. Moore, Matt Wolpert and Ben Nedivi For All Mankind is an American science fiction drama television series. The executive producers...