Developed by Rafe Judkins, The Wheel of Time is an American epic fantasy television series for Amazon Prime Video. Judkins is also the executive producer alongside...
Created by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, Rabbit Hole is an upcoming American spy thriller television series. The show features Kiefer Sutherland as a private espionage...
Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay is returning with the twenty-first season of Hell’s, or well, his, Kitchen. Created by the Chef himself, Hell’s Kitchen is a culinary...
The second season of The Mysterious Benedict Society is a month away from its release. Created by Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi, The Mysterious Benedict Society...
Season 6 of S.W.A.T. is around the corner and the fans are all set to witness the team’s newest and even more exciting adventures. Developed by...
The sixth season of Station 19 is less than a fortnight away and the words have it that this time, the temperature is going even higher....
The third season of Kung Fu is a fortnight away from its release and the fans are all the more hyped to get a second dose...
The highly anticipated sixth season of The Good Doctor is finally here. Developed by David Shore, The Good Doctor is a medical drama series of American...
The American mockumentary sitcom incorporating the Flatch residents is returning with a second season. Developed by Jenny Bicks, Welcome to Flatch is based on the infamous...
Another season of The Mighty Ducks is here and the gameplay will be all the more exciting this time. Developed by Steve Brill, Josh Goldsmith, and...