Created and hosted by Shane Smith, Vice is a documentary TV series. Smith is also the executive producer alongside Bill Maher, Suroosh Alvi, Fareed Zakaria, Eddy...
Created by Brian Koppelman and David Levien, Super Pumped is an American anthology drama television series. It was based on the book Super Pumped: The Battle...
Developed by Peter Moffat, Your Honor is an American drama television series. Adapted from the Israeli TV series Kvodo, the first season premiered on December 6,...
Created by Ilene Chaiken, Kathy Greenberg, and Michele Abbott, The L Word: Generation Q is a drama series, produced for Showtime. It was first aired on...
Created by Charlie MacLean, City on a Hill is an American crime drama television series. It was based on a story by Ben Affleck and MacLean....
The Curse is an American comedy television series. Created by the writers Nathan Fielder and Benny Safdie, the series will debut on Showtime. Fielder and Safdie...
Showtime is bringing a new show, American Gigolo, which is an American drama television series. It is based on the 1980 film of the same name...
Showtime is bringing a brand new show, The First Lady, which is an American anthology drama television series. It is created by Aaron Cooley, who is...
Created by Jenny Lumet and Alex Kurtzman, The Man Who Fell to Earth is a brand new American science fiction television series. It is set to...
Created by Brian Koppelman, David Levien and Andrew Ross Sorkin, Billions is a drama television series. It is mostly set in large financial centers, specifically New...