Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse introduced us to the Miles Morales incarnation of Spider-Man, which was created by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli. The film received...
Spider-Man: Far From Home gave everyone quite a shocker with that mid-credits scene. A third Spider-Man film was inevitable, although things did look kind of bleak when Sony and Disney were unable to...
Original 2002 Spider-Man screenwriter, David Koepp has said that he is not planning to do a superhero movie anytime soon. David Koepp ushered waves of commercial...
Sorry to tell you “Spider-Man” fans, your beloved superhero has given up on its initial release date. Due to the pandemic spreading its web all over...
J.K. Simmons garnered much acclaim for his role as J.Jonah Jameson in Sam Raimi’s “Spider-Man: Trilogy”, recently he reprised his role in the new “Spider-Man: Far...
Unlike Flaubert’s Madame Bovary who had two affairs and committed suicide, Madame Web is not in the mood to die, after losing her powers and suffering...
There’s no doubt that comic books are everywhere and Superheroes are biggest in the box office. Recently, we saw a new piece of artwork that shows Spider-Man...
Marvel Cinematic Universe has announced the postponement of Phase 4 release dates because of the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19. This postponement includes Spider-Man part 3 which...