Created by Justin Haythe, The Serpent Queen is an American period drama television series. The series is all about the life of Catherine de’ Medici, the...
Created by Sascha Penn, Power Book III: Raising Kanan is an American crime drama television series. Raising Kanan is set in the backdrop of the 90s...
Created by Katori Hall, P-Valley is an American drama television series. It is an adaptation of Hall’s play Pussy Valley which premiered on October 20, 2022....
Developed by Ronald D. Moore, Outlander is a historical drama series based on the novel series of the same name by Diana Gabaldon. Moore is also...
Created by Justin Haythe, The Serpent Queen is an American period drama television series. The series is all about the life of Catherine de’ Medici, the...
Created by Robert Munic, Power Book IV: Force is an American crime drama television series. It is a sequel and third spin-off to Power which is...
Created by Sascha Penn, Power Book III: Raising Kanan is an American crime drama television series. Raising Kanan is set in the backdrop of the 90s...
Created by Courtney A. Kemp, Power Book II: Ghost is an American crime drama television series. Ghost is about Tariq who has been adjusting to his...
Created by Katori Hall, P-Valley is an American drama television series. It is an adaptation of Hall’s play Pussy Valley which premiered on October 20, 2022....
Developed by Ronald D. Moore, Outlander is a historical drama series based on the novel series of the same name by Diana Gabaldon. Moore is also...