Created by Robert and Michelle King, Evil is an American supernatural drama television series. The show’s executive producers are Liz Glotzer, Robert King, Michelle King, Rockne...
Created by Victoria Madden, The Gloaming is a supernatural thriller series. Madden is also the writer of the series alongside Peter McKenna whereas Nick Forward, Keli...
Created by David Macpherson, The Rig is an upcoming supernatural thriller television series. The executive producers of the show are Derek Wax and John Strickland. The...
Created by Robert and Michelle King, Evil is an American supernatural drama television series that premiered on September 26, 2019, on CBS. In October 2019, the...
Created by Robert and Michelle King, Evil is an American supernatural drama television series that premiered on September 26, 2019, on CBS. In October 2019, the...
Created by Eliot Laurence, Motherland: Fort Salem is a supernatural drama series made for Freeform. Laurence is also the executive producer alongside Steven A. Adelson, Will...
Created by Victoria Madden, The Gloaming is a supernatural thriller series. Madden is also the writer of the series alongside Peter McKenna whereas Nick Forward, Keli...
Developed by Noga Landau, Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, Nancy Drew is an American mystery drama television series based on the series of mystery novels about...
Created by Jeff Rake, Manifest is a supernatural drama series. Rake is also the executive producer alongside Robert Zemeckis, Jack Rapke, Jacqueline Levine, David Frankel, Joe...
Created by Luke Pearson, Hilda is an animated streaming television series. It is based on the graphic novel series of the same name by Pearson, who...