Created by Chris Sheridan, Resident Alien is a science fiction mystery comedy-drama series made for Syfy. Sheridan is also the executive producer alongside Mike Richardson, Keith...
Created by Chris Sheridan, Resident Alien is a science fiction mystery comedy-drama series made for Syfy. Sheridan is also the executive producer alongside Mike Richardson, Keith...
Created by Chris Sheridan, Resident Alien is a science fiction mystery comedy-drama series made for Syfy. Sheridan is also the executive producer alongside Mike Richardson, Keith...
Created by Don Mancini, Chucky is an American horror television series. The series is based on the Child’s Play film franchise. It serves as a sequel...
Created by Chris Sheridan, Resident Alien is an American science fiction mystery comedy-drama television series that premiered on January 27, 2021, on Syfy. The series is...
Created by Don Mancini, Chucky is a horror television series and it is based on the Child’s Play film franchise. Mancini is also the executive producer...
Created by Don Mancini, Chucky is an American horror television series. It is based on the Child’s Play film franchise and it serves as a sequel...
RESIDENT ALIEN 1: Based on Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse’s comic book of the same name, “Resident Alien” is an American science fiction comedy-drama television series...
Yes, you heard it right. Unfortunately, Netflix has not renewed “Van Helsing” for season 6 and has announced that Season 5 will be the last one....