Hello, Readers! Malignant is a 2021 American horror film directed by James Wan, based on an original tale by Wan, Ingrid Bisu, and Cooper and written...
Hello, Readers! Ghost lab is an American Television Movie. This is a horror-themed series. The thriller Ghost Lab, directed by “Goff” Paween Purijitpanya, is about supernatural...
What is this movie about? Is it worth watching? When is it releasing? Let us find out about Red Dot: Release Date, Teaser, Trailer, Cast and...
Directed by Tate Taylor (The Girl on the Train) and written by Matthew Newton (Who We Are Now), Ava is a 2020 American action thriller movie. It is...
Directed, written and produced by Sean Durkin, The Nest is a 2020 thriller movie. After the premiere of the movie at the Sundance Film Festival, it...
Apart from 2020 itself being a thriller film, the year had also witnessed a great number of thriller movies and series, and the list is constantly...