Taboo is a drama television series that aired on BBC One in the United Kingdom and on FX in the United States. Ridley Scott’s Scott Free Productions...
Tom Hardy’s portrayal of the character Max Rockatansky in Mad Max: Fury Road earned him a lot of praise. The film itself was also an absolute banger. George Miller’s insistence on minimal use...
After more than two decades of delays, Beverly Hills Cop 4 is finally on its way. This time, however, it won’t be a theatrical release. The rights to...
Will Taboo 2 soon be on our screens? Well, Tom Hardy’s Taboo fans are waiting for season 2. And we have every detail you need to...
The Covid19 pandemic has stirred the entertainment industry too well, it has stopped enormous productions and has delayed many release dates. Venom suffered from the same...
Taboo is a BBC television drama series that aired on BBC One in the UK and on FX in the US in 2017. It is produced...
Venom, The anti-hero from Marvel comic universe is back !! This time he is against his is up against his own offspring. Sounds interesting!! It is...