High School is an upcoming coming-of-age drama series based on the best-selling memoir (2019) of the twin sisters, Tegan and Sara, that goes by the same...
Fakes is an upcoming crime comedy series created by David Turko. Fakes is an upcoming crime comedy series created by David Turko. The show is about...
Adapted from John Ajvide’s best seller (2004) that goes by the same name, the upcoming vampire thriller series, titled Let the Right One In, is a...
As promised, Jensen is not letting the audience get over the demons, ghosts, and monsters, and is returning with more to his 15-season-long story of hunting...
Walker: Independence is an action-period drama based on the infamous television series, Walker. The former serves as s prequel to the latter, and both the shows...
The Kardashian-Jenner family is back with season two of The Kardashians. As was with season one, the second season is expected to involve quite an array...
The upcoming drama series, American Gigolo, is based on the infamous film of 1980 that goes by the same name and was directed by Paul Schrader....
The Oppenheim group is coming to screens with a spin-off series of their infamous reality series Selling Sunset. As the upcoming show follows, Selling the OC will...
The Girl before is a psychological thriller television series created by J.P Delaney for BBC1 and HBO max. This television series is an adaptation of the...
An American comedy television series created by Simone Finch entitled Single Drunk Female is all set to premiere on January 20, 2022, today only on Freeform....