Created by Evan Romansky, Ratched is a psychological thriller television series, made for Netflix. Aleen Keshishian, Margaret Riley, Jacob Epstein, Michael Douglas, Robert Mitas, Jennifer Salt,...
Created for Netflix by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, The Witcher is a Polish-American fantasy drama television series. It is based on the book series of the same...
Written by Alice Bell, and Melanie Marnich, Expats is an upcoming American drama streaming television series. The upcoming show is based on the 2016 novel The...
Created by Dick Wolf, Ilene Chaiken, and Matt Olmstead, Law & Order: Organized Crime is a crime drama television series. Wolf and Chaiken are also the...
Created by Evan Romansky, Ratched is a psychological thriller television series, made for Netflix. Aleen Keshishian, Margaret Riley, Jacob Epstein, Michael Douglas, Robert Mitas, Jennifer Salt,...
Created by Daniel Goldfarb, Julia is an American television series. It is based on the life of television chef Julia Child. Daniel Goldfarb also served as...
Created by Ryan Murphy, Jaffe Cohen, and Michael Zam, Feud is a docudrama television series. Murphy is also the executive producer alongside Dede Gardner, Tim Minear,...
Directed by Gavin Whitehead and narrated by Jeremy Clarkson, Clarkson’s Farm is a television documentary series. It first premiered on Amazon Prime Video on June 11,...
Created by Oscar Jaenada, Hernán is a Spanish, Nahuatl, and Maya language historical drama streaming television series. The show first premiered on Amazon Prime Video on...
The comedy-drama television mini-series, Wolf Like Me is written and directed by Abe Forsythe. Bruna Papandrea, Jodi Matterson, Josh Gad, Isla Fisher, and Steve Hutensky are...