Top Boy is a British crime drama television series developed by Ronan Bennett. The series is set on the fictional Summerhouse estate in the London Borough...
Created by Dave Filoni, Star Wars: The Bad Batch is an American animated series. It is part of the Star Wars franchise, acting as both a...
Created by Brian Koppelman, David Levien, and Andrew Ross Sorkin, Billions is a drama television series. It is mostly set in large financial centers, specifically New...
Created by American filmmaker Tim Miller, Love, Death & Robots is an adult animated anthology streaming television series. The show is a reimagination of Fincher and...
Created by Michael Waldron, Heels is an American drama television series produced for Starz. Waldron is also the executive producer alongside Kyle Patrick Alvarez, Eli Jorne,...
Teen thriller drama, Cruel Summer is created y Bert V. Royal and is produced for Freeform. Bert is also the executive producer alongside Max Winkler, Tia...
Created by Matthias Murmann and Philipp Käßbohrer, How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) is a German coming-of-age dark humor crime streaming television series. Murmann and Käßbohrer...
Adapted from the webcomic and graphic novel of the same name by Alice Oseman, British coming-of-age romantic teen comedy-drama, Heartstopper is created for Netflix by Alice...
Created by Julie Puckrin, SkyMed is a Canadian television medical drama series. the main plot of the series focuses on the nurses and pilots working for...
Developed by Rafe Judkins, The Wheel of Time is an American epic fantasy television series for Amazon Prime Video. Judkins is also the executive producer alongside...