Developed by Albert Kim, Avatar: The Last Airbender is an upcoming American adventure fantasy television series, which is a live-action adaptation of the animated television series...
Written by Shonda Rhimes, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story is an upcoming limited series. The series is a prequel spin-off of the Netflix series Bridgerton and...
Created by Justin Spitzer, American Auto is an American television sitcom series. Spitzer is also the executive producer of the series alongside Aaron Kaplan, Dana Honor,...
Created by DJ Nash, A Million Little Things is an American family drama television series. DJ Nash, Aaron Kaplan, Dana Honor, James Griffiths, Marshall Boone, David...
Directed by Andrés Baiz, Griselda is an upcoming American crime drama streaming television miniseries. The miniseries is based on the life of drug trafficker Griselda Blanco....
Created by Donald Todd, Florida Man is an upcoming streaming television series made for Netflix. Todd is also the executive producer alongside Jason Bateman, Michael Costigan...