Created by Marcos Bucay, Sebastian, and Emiliano Zurita, How to Survive Being Single is a comedy television series. The series is produced by Campanario Entertainment and...
Created by Critical Role, The Legend of Vox Machina is an American adult animated fantasy streaming television series. The show is produced by Critical Role Productions,...
Developed by Robert Kirkman, Invincible is an adult animated superhero series, based on the Image Comics series of the same name. Kirkman is also the executive...
Developed by Craig Rosenberg, Evan Goldberg, and Eric Kripke, Gen V is an American superhero television series. Based on The Boys comic book story arc “We...
Created by Josh Appelbaum, Bryan Oh, and David Weil, Citadel is an American spy action thriller television series. It first premiered on Amazon Prime Video. Russo...
Created by David Macpherson, The Rig is a British supernatural thriller television series. The series has directed by John Strickland. Derek Wax and John Strickland are...
Created by Tom Moran, The Devil’s Hour is a British drama thriller television series. The show first premiered on Amazon Prime Video. Hartswood Films and Amazon...
Created by Tom Moran, The Devil’s Hour is a British drama thriller television series. The show first premiered on Amazon Prime Video. Hartswood Films and Amazon...
Developed by J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is an American fantasy television series. Based on stories by...
Created by David DiGilio, The Terminal List is an American action thriller television series based on Jack Carr’s 2018 novel name. The Terminal List was released on Amazon...