Tales of Arise is a forthcoming action game created and released by Bandai Namco Entertainment. This entry for the Tales series was initially set for release in 2020 for Windows, PS4, and Xbox One. But is delayed until after 2020. The game is played by two people from the opposite realms of Dahna and Rena.
The goal was to revitalize the Tales franchise by using a darker look to stand out in the series and appeal to western audiences. Minoru Iwamoto returned as a character designer and art director. The game is built with Unreal Engine 4.
As one of its growth goals, its gameplay has gone through unknown modifications while maintaining the simple Tales combat structure, called the Linear Motion Combat Structure. Arise takes place in a context split between the medieval world of Dahna and the modern world of Rena.
Rena’s superior technological and magical development has allowed her to retain control over Dahna, to exploit her wealth, and to handle her people as slaves. The protagonists are a Dahna-born man, Alphen, and a Rena-born woman, Shionne, who ends up traveling together.
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Tales of Arise Delayed
Bandai Namco has delayed the release of Tales of Arise.
No launch window was mentioned by Tomizawa. He assured that an update will be made available once they have more information to share.
Yusuke Tomizawa said that the production team adapted to work remotely on the game due to coronavirus pandemic. But the project needed more time to realize its goal.
The Tales series is among the longest-running JRPG series out there and has changed gameplay mechanics over the years while maintaining the key aspects of the franchise. The primary aim of the production team is to improve the Tales strategy for making it more available to beginners.
Bandai Namco is now creating New Pokémon Snap, the successor to the iconic Nintendo 64 classic, Pokémon Snap. It is set to be released on the Nintendo Switch, but the release date is yet to be confirmed.