Created by Dan Berlinka and Nina Metivier, “The A List” is a British teen thriller streaming television series that centres on Mia (Lisa Ambalavanar), who arrives at a summer camp on an island that turns out to hold dark secrets, the first season of which aired on August 30, 2019.
Romance, rivalry and radical mystery collide as a group of teens attend a remote island sleepaway camp in this suspenseful, supernatural drama.
Coming up in Season Two that premiered on Friday, June 25, 2021, on Netflix, fact, and fiction intertwines as Mia, Dev, Petal, Alex and others attempt to reunite — and re-examine what really happened on Peregrine Island.
After the nightmare these teenagers encountered at Peregrine Island, they all went their separate ways. Mia (Lisa Ambalavanar) is seeking therapy to get over the trauma she experienced on the island. However, Mia’s therapist has convinced her that everything she saw at the island (Dev, Amber, Midge, Petal) was just an imagination. Mia agrees that they all were made up in her mind, and none of these people were real.
While Mia is seeking therapy, Kayleigh (Savannah Baker), Jenna (Eleanor Bennett), Harry (Benjamin Nugent), Alex (Rosie Dwyer), and others are in a quarantine facility. Dr. Shaw (Finty Williams) is taking care of these teenagers who are not happy to be locked inside. Midge (Indianna Ryan) is also in the same quarantine facility. Amber (Ellie Duckles) changes Dev’s (Barnaby Tobias) face so that Mia would not recognize him if they ever reunite.