Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures announced a sequel to the humorous horror film titled The Addams Family 2! The first film came out in 2019 and the second is scheduled for Halloween 2021. The film series is computer-animated black comedy based on Charles Addams’ characters from his comic ‘The Addams Family’. Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan directed the first film while Matt Lieberman wrote the screenplay. The Addams family are a wealthy aristocratic clan who delight in dressing macabre and frightening. What is the movie all about? Is it worth watching? When does the sequel come out? Well, read more to find out!
The Addams Family: Plot and Cast
Since the Addams family dress so ghoulish and have strange tastes, Gomez and Morticia Addams were chased out of their own wedding! Since then, they have moved to an abandoned asylum in New Jersey.
They continue to live their gloomy lives with their kids when thirteen years later, it is time for the patriarch’s son Pugsley to have his Mazurka. Mazurka is a Polish dance that is a rite of passage for the family. Morticia tries to keep her daughter Wednesday away from the world and in isolation.
However, Margaux Needler, a reality TV host, wants to build a planned community in the area and wants to get rid of the Addams family house. After a lot of troubles, both for Needler and the Addams family, society ends up accepting the Addams family with all their quirks and strange tastes.
Oscar Isaac plays Gomez Addams while Charlize Theron plays Morticia Addams née Frump. Chloë Grace Moretz plays Wednesday Addams, Gomez and Morticia’s daughter while Finn Wolfhard plays Pugsley Addams, their son.
Nick Kroll plays Uncle Fester, Gomez’s brother while Snoop Dogg plays Cousin Itt, Gomez’s hairy cousin. Allison Janney plays Margaux Needler while Elsie Fisher plays Parker Needler, her daughter and Wednesday’s friend.
The Addams Family 2: Release Date and Trailer
While there is no trailer for the sequel out yet, it is supposed to come out on October 8, 2021. Tiernan is planning to direct the second movie as well.