Developed by Jim Hecht and Joshuah Bearman, The Big Cigar is an upcoming biographical drama thriller miniseries. The executive producers of the show include Janine Sherman Barrois, Joshuah Bearman, Don Cheadle, Joshua Davis, Jim Hecht, and Arthur Spector. Folding Chair Productions, Radicle Act, and Warner Bros. Television are the production companies involved with the show. The upcoming show features some very talented and well-known personalities from the entertainment industry like André Holland, Tiffany Boone, Alessandro Nivola, Marc Menchaca, P. J. Byrne, and many more are there.
So, when the upcoming show is coming out? Who has been cast in the lead roles? What is the storyline? Is there any trailer available for the upcoming show, Keep reading to know more about the upcoming show.
The Big Cigar Plot and Cast
It is a limited series featuring six episodes and the plot is about the co-founder of the Black Panther party, Huey P. Newton. It portrays Newton’s escape to Cuba during the 70s and he was assisted by Bert Schneider, who was his friend and movie producer. Schneider passed away in 2011 and brought the best cult classics like The Last Picture Show, Hearts and Minds, and more.
Coming to the lead characters, it includes André Holland as Huey P. Newton, Alessandro Nivola as Bert Schneider, P. J. Byrne as Stephen Blauner, Tiffany Boone as Gwen Fontaine, Marc Menchaca as Sydney Clark, Jordane Christie as Bobby Seale, Olli Haaskivi as Arthur A. Ross, Moses Ingram as Teressa Dixon, and many more are there.
The Big Cigar Release Date
In June 2022, the filming has begun in Toronto. As of the article writing, the makers have not announced anything certain regarding the release date. However, we can expect The upcoming series to come out in a few months.
The show has been produced by Folding Chair Productions, Radicle Act, and Warner Bros. Television. The episode number and other information are expected to come out in a while.
The Big Cigar Trailer
Unfortunately, there is no trailer available for the upcoming series at this moment.
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Assamese from words and a true Indian from the heart.
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