Created by Mary-Ellis Bunim and Jonathan Murray, The Challenge is a reality competition show on MTV that is spun off from two of the network’s reality shows, The Real World and Road Rules. The series premiered on June 1, 1998. The show was originally titled Road Rules: All Stars, and run for more than 36 seasons.
The show’s most recent season, titled Spies, Lies & Allies, premiered on August 11, 2021, and concluded on December 22, 2021. Each season consists of a format and theme from which the subtitle is derived. In June 2022, MTV renewed the series through season 39.
So, when is the 39th season releasing? What is the format? Who will be in the cast? Keep reading to know more.
The Challenge Format and cast
The format for The Challenge Season 39 is not announced yet. Each season of The Challenge has a unique theme that influences the gameplay, and for season 39, producers are switching things up a bit. Not unlike Battle of the Bloodlines, season 39 will feature friends, family, and significant others of returning Challenge vets.
The Challenge originally only featured former stars from Real World and Road Rules and debuted back in 1998. Over time, the show has brought individuals from Big Brother, Survivor, Are You the One?, and Love Island. MTV’s The Challenge has been A long-running reality series a lasting reality TV staple that it’s even produced several spinoffs including The Challenge: All Stars, which is currently airing weekly on Paramount+. Its next spinoff, The Challenge: USA, will premiere on CBS on July 6 directly after the premiere of Big Brother 24.
The cast members of the show have not been revealed yet for the upcoming season. The series initially used no hosts but instead a former cast member who had been kicked off his or her season, providing assignments as “Mr.” or “Ms. Big” (David “Puck” Rainey, David Edwards, and Gladys Sanabria served this role). After one season without anyone in this role, the series began using hosts: Eric Nies and Mark Long co-hosted a season, and Jonny Moseley and Dave Mirra hosted various seasons before T. J. Lavin became the show’s regular host by the 11th season
The Challenge Season 39 Release Date
Since season 38 has not been released yet, it can be very hard to predict any date for season 39 of The Challenge. But still, we can assume it in late 2023 and 2024.
Further details related to the release date, theme of the show, and cast members are yet to be revealed by the makers. The show is produced by Bunim/Murray Productions.
The Challenge Season 39 Trailer
There is no trailer available for season 39 of The Challenge. For now, you can watch the trailer from season 37 below: