The Climb is a 2019 American comedy-drama film that first premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in France in 2019. However, it has not been theatrically released yet. Michael Angelo Covino directed the film while he also wrote the screenplay along with Kyle Marvin. Michael Angelo Covino also produced the film along with Kyle Marvin and Noah Lang. Topic Studios and Watch This Ready also produce the film while Sony Pictures Classics will distribute the film.
The film is based on Michael Angelo Covino and Kyle Marvin’s short film of the same name. What is the movie all about? When does it come out? Is it worth watching? Well, you gotta keep on reading more to find out!
The Climb: Plot and Cast
When best friends Mike and Kyle bike together, Mike tells Kyle that he is sleeping with Kyle’s fiancé. Mike experiences a moment of road rage with someone on a motorcycle and he gets assaulted by the rider of the motorcycle. While Mike recovers from his wounds at the hospital, Kyle’s fiancé comes to visit him. This results in a confrontation between Kyle and his fiancé and she tells him she still loves him.
Although the girl ends up marrying Mike instead, she soon dies unexpectedly. Mike causes a scene at the funeral while Kyle tries to calm him down. Mike apologises to Kyle for taking his fiancé from him, and Kyle tries to console him over his loss.
When sometime later, Kyle’s mother tells him that she invited Mike to Christmas, he finds out that Mike is now an alcoholic. Kyle brings his former high school girlfriend Marissa along. Kyle’s mother confronts Mike and tells him to move on with his life and make amends to Kyle.
Kyle and his girlfriend invite Mike to a skiing trip, during which Mike tries to kiss Marissa and she turns away, disgusted. However, she gives in when she sees this as a way of separating Kyle and Mike for good. At Kyle’s bachelor party, Mike reveals to him that he slept with Marissa in order to save his friend from a bad marriage. While Kyle is angered, he surprisingly answers that he doesn’t care.
On the day of Kyle’s wedding to Marissa, Mike breaks into the wedding party to try and stop it. Marissa announces that she is pregnant, and the priest advices the couple to delay the wedding until the baby is born so that they can have more perspective about what they are getting into.
Years later, Kyle still misses Mike, even though he has broken all contact with him. Although he and Marissa get married and live with their son, he decides to divorce her because of his attachment to Mike. Kyle moves in close to his ex-wife and son, while being friends with Mike, who is called ‘uncle’ by his son.
Michael Angelo Covino plays Mike, Kyle Marvin plays Kyle while Gayle Rankin plays Marissa.
The Climb: Release Date and Trailer
The movie was released theatrically on October 9, 2020. Watch the trailer below: