The End Is Nye is an upcoming unscripted series featuring Bill Nye, the oh-so-popular science guy. The show is a project of Seth MacFarlane, Eric Huggins, and Brannon Braga, who are the executive producers of the series with Braga also being the show’s writer, director, and showrunner. Nye, the host, writer, and executive producer of the series will be seen educating the audience about the days which will be followed by an end. Keep reading to know more about the show.
The End Is Nye: Plot and Cast
The End Is Nye involves the science educator visiting global disasters of both natural and unnatural senses that stand at the last end of imagination. He proceeds with demystifying the disastrous scenarios using science to surface the surviving tactics in such conditions, along with how one can mitigate, and might as well prevent them. Every episode of the unscripted series is a stand-alone story that takes a nerve-wracking plunge into the terror and mystery of a singular hazard. Each catastrophe is not only filled with hell-bent thrill but also provides the hope to look and move beyond distress. It incorporates a scientific framework that highlights survival during times of emergencies. The episodes will include a cameo of Seth MacFarlane, the science advocate and an executive producer of the show.
The cast of The End Is Nye includes Joanna Mandap as the Young Professional Woman, Isabella Astbury as Bus Stop Kid 1, Willow Astbury as Bus Stop Kid 2, Zag Dorison as The Grim Reaper, Malik Bouabid as Bio Engineer, and finally, Bill Nye as self.
The End Is Nye: Release Date
The End Is Nye premieres on August 25, 2022, on Peacock. The series will comprise six episodes, each of 45 minutes in duration.
The End Is Nye: Trailer
Click on the tab below to watch the official trailer of The End Is Nye: