Created and written by Samantha Strauss and produced by See-Saw Films, “The End” is an Australian television drama series directed by Jessica M. Thompson and Jonathan Brough, the 10-Part series aired first time in Australia in Fox Showcase and Sky Atlantic on February 10, 2020, and premiered in the US on Sunday, July 18, 2021, at 8:00 P.M on Showtime.
THE END is where life begins in a dark new comedy series about three generations of a family trying to figure out how to live with meaning, die with dignity, and find the beauty that lies in between.
O’Connor plays Dr. Kate Brennan, an Australian-based specialist in palliative care. Euthanasia is a hot-button topic in Kate’s field of work and she is passionate in her opposition. On the other side of the world, Kate’s mother Edie Henley, played by Walter, feels just as strongly about her right to die. Kate has little choice but to ship Edie out from England and deposit her in a nearby retirement village on the Gold Coast – Edie’s worst nightmare. While Kate struggles with her own problems, her children are trying to work out who they are, and who they want to be. What follows is a story about parents and children, ethics and emotion, and mostly how it’s never too late to start again.
The show also stars Noni Hazlehurst, Roy Billing, Robyn Nevin, Luke Arnold, Morgan Davies, and Ingrid Torelli.
Exclusively available for streaming on Sky Atlantic, Fox Showcase, and Showtime.