The upcoming American superhero film, The Flash, directed by Andy Muschietti is based on the same name character of the DC comics. The film features Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton, Michael Shannon, Sasha Calle, Antje Traue, Ben Affleck, Kiersey Clemons, and Ron Livingston.
So, what is the release date of this upcoming movie The Flash? Who will be in the cast? What is the plot?
The Flash Release Date
The release date is confirmed after so many delays because of the director, post-production setbacks, and the COVID-19 pandemic. It is set to release on June 16, 2023.
Filming for the movie was started from April to October of 2021, at Leavesden, Warner Bros. Studios, and in other places in the United Kingdom. A sequel of the film has been confirmed and it is under development before the first part’s release.
The Flash Plot and Cast
The main plot of the film is based on the main character, The Flash or Barry Allen who travels back to the time when his mother was killed by someone and he tries to find out the killer. The rest of the film will see how he manages to deal with unexpected outcomes.
The main cast of the film The Flash includes Ezra Miller as The Flash or Barry Allen, Michael Keaton as Batman or Bruce Wayne, Michael Shannon as General Zod, Sasha Calle as Supergirl, Ron Livingston as Henry Allen, Kiersey Clemons as Iris West, Antje Traue as Faora-Ul, Ben Affleck as Batman or Bruce Wayne, Temuera Morrison, as Aquaman’s father Thomas Curry, Maribel Verdú as Nora Allen. Rudy Mancuso, Luke Brandon Field, and Saoirse-Monica Jackson have also joined the movie but their characters are not revealed yet, once it confirms we will update it here @DroidJournal.
The Flash Trailer
The makers have not released the trailer for the upcoming DC comics-based same-name character movie, The Flash yet to be released.