The Girl before is a psychological thriller television series created by J.P Delaney for BBC1 and HBO max. This television series is an adaptation of the same name book ‘ The Girl Before ‘ written by J.P Delaney and Merissa Lestrade.
The movie revolves around a young woman Jane. Her life drastically changes as she gets a chance to move into a beautiful dream house. The house is designed by Architect Edward. However, the beautiful yet mysterious house leaves questioning Jane her decision to move into the house because of some weird existing rules of the house set by the architect Edward. As Jane moves into the house she comes across the dark history of the minimalist house. The dark history of the house leaves her questioning her fate again.
The Girl Before: Directors & Producers
Lisa Brühlmann has directed this television drama series. P. Delaney, Eleanor Moran, Rory Aitken, Ben Pugh, Ben Irving are the executive producers of the television series and Rhonda Smith is the producer of the series.
when is it going to be released? who are the casts? how many episodes does it have? Want to know more? Let’s find out !!
The Girl Before: Plot and Cast
As Jane moves into the house, she discovers the dark mystery of the house. she comes across a woman named Emma who lived in the house 3 years prior to her moving in. Moreover, Jane gets to know that Emma has died 3 years ago which leaves Jane traumatized.
Actress Gugu Mbatha-Raw plays the role of Jane. Jessica Plummer plays the role of Emma. David Oyelowo plays the role of Edward, the architect. Ben hardy plays as Simon, the partner of Emma.
The Girl Before: Release date and Trailer
The Girl before was originally aired on BBC1 in the UK on December 19, 2021. Now the 4 episodes thriller series will soon air on HBO Max on February 10, 2022. Watch the Trailer below: