Produced by various locations, The Great Christmas Light Fight is an American reality television competition show. The executive producers of the show include Brady Connell, Max Swedlow, Thom Beers, and Jennifer Mullin.
The first season of The Great Christmas Light Fight premiered on December 9, 2013. As of now, the show has 10 seasons in total. The latest season premiered on November 28, 2022. One more season is on the way.
So, when the eleventh season is coming out? What is the plot? Who will come back to play their roles? Continue reading to know more.
The Great Christmas Light Fight Plot and Cast
Each episode of The Great Christmas Light Fight features a series of families or groups that create elaborate Christmas light displays. The contestants are chosen in advance by producers. The displays are judged on three categories: use of lights, overall design, and Christmas spirit. Each display is first individually featured, then the judge or judges review the display and its specific details. Once all contestants have been reviewed, a winner is chosen, and the judges return to the winner to congratulate them. The winner of each week’s episode wins $50,000 and a holiday-themed trophy.
The series had a Halloween-themed special episode entitled The Great Halloween Fright Fight which aired on October 28, 2014. The judging criteria for this episode were similar to the regular Christmas episodes, with three factors: overall design, Halloween spirit, and creativity.
Since it is a competition reality show, it does not feature any specific cast. However, Michael Moloney, Sabrina Soto, Carter Oosterhouse, and Taniya Nayak are expected to return for the upcoming season as they have judged the previous season of the show.
The Great Christmas Light Fight Season 11 Release Date
ABC announced that The Great Christmas Light Fight has been renewed for an 11th season in 2023 before the premiere of the tenth season. The upcoming season is set to premier in the fall of 2023.
The episode number and other details are still not revealed but we can expect them to come out in a few months.
The Great Christmas Light Fight Season 11 Trailer
No, the official trailer for Season 11 has not arrived yet since the release date is not confirmed. Until then, watch out for a glimpse of the show below:
A pure Assamese and Indian from the core of my heart. I like to spend my leisure time by watching the best TV shows and I eagerly wait for more seasons. I still got a long list to wrap up.