Created by Tony McNamara, The Great is a historical and satirical black comedy-drama streaming television series. The series was described by its commissioner Hulu as “anti-historical” loosely based on the rise to power of Catherine the Great, Empress of All Russia.
McNamara also served as executive producer of the show along with Elle Fanning, Marian Macgowan, Brittany Kahan Ward, Doug Mankoff, Andrew Spaulding, Josh Kesselman, Ron West, and Matt Shakman. The first season of the series premiered on May 15, 2020, followed by the second season on November 19, 2021, and in January 2022, the series was renewed for a third season.
So, when is the third season released? What is the plot? Who will come back to reprise their roles? Keep reading to know more.
The Great Plot and Cast
The first season narrates somewhat true incidents from the history of Russian rulers Catherine and Peter. Catherine is an outsider living in a rural town, and she gets the opportunity to marry the new Tsar Peter and hopes to take matters into her hands once she is Queen.
The second season is a pure farce with no connection to reality and ends with the death of Catherine’s mother and a lot of ugly truths underneath. All of this is wrapped up in top-notch humor and 18th-century drama. Season 3 will most certainly pick up from where it left with fans asking multiple questions from the edges of their seats.
The main cast for the upcoming season includes Elle Fanning, Nicholas Hoult, Gillian Anderson, Jason Isaacs, Pheobe Fox, Belinda Bromilow, Charity Wakefield, Gwilym Lee, Adam Godley, Douglas Hodge, and Sacha Dhawan.
The Great Season 3 Release Date
The Great Season 3 is scheduled to arrive on May 12, 2023. The series is produced by Paramount Global Distribution Group.
The upcoming season might also consist of 10 episodes like the previous two seasons. Further details are expected to be revealed soon.
The Great Season 3 Trailer
A trailer for The Great Season 3 is yet to be released. For now, you can watch the trailer from Season 2 below: