The Healing Powers Of Dude is a Netflix original show which premiered in January 2020. The show’s genre is drama. It revolves around the life of a young boy who finds companionship in a dog. The young boy is suffering from anxiety issues. The show depicts how difficult it is for him to battle his anxiety issues. In comes Dude, a dog that helps the young boy to curb his anxiety attacks.
The young boy, Noah finds true and beautiful friendship in Dude. Dude helps Noah cope with his disorder and teaches him the importance and value of relationships. The show is centered around the theme of people facing disorder and how to treat them with gentleness and care.
The rapport that Dude shares with Noah, is one that is learning for us humans to share amongst each other. The saying that a dog is a man’s best friend has been exemplified in this show!
Trailer and Release Date for the show
The show released its first season on 13th January 2020. It has a total of 8 episodes with a run time of 35-45 minutes give or take. The show released all the eight episodes in a bulk.
Since the show has done fairly well for itself. Netflix might consider renewing it! There has been no official announcement or confirmation about the show’s renewal for a season two! Below attached is the trailer for season one:
The cast for the show
The Healing Powers of Dude casts Jace Chapman playing the role of Noah Ferris, Larisa Oleynik playing the role of Karen Ferris. We also see Mauricio Lara, Sophie Kim, Laurel Emory. And the most important character of the show Dude, who is Noah’s dog played by Steve Zahnn. These talented actors did phenomenal acting and were able to connect with the viewers!
Electronics and communication engineer in the making, I’m a voracious reader and a passionate writer. I enjoy learning new skills and aim to enhance my skillset. I strive to achieve the best and firmly believe that every opportunity is a gateway to one’s personal success and development.