Created for television by David E. Kelley and developed by Ted Humphrey, The Lincoln Lawyer is an American legal drama television series. The first season is based on Connelly’s 2008 novel The Brass Verdict, a sequel to his novel The Lincoln Lawyer. The show generally received positive response from the viewers. After the release of two seasons, the makers have renewed it for a third season, which is soon coming on Netflix.
What is the release date of The Lincoln Lawyer Season 3? What is the storyline of The Lincoln Lawyer? What is the plot?
The Lincoln Lawyer Season 3 Release Date
The first season of The Lincoln Lawyer was released on May 13, 2022, and it consisted of ten episodes. The second season was divided into two parts. The first part was released in July and the second part was released in August. Later the show got renewed for a third season, which is expected to come in a few months. However, the makers have not revealed any specific release date.
The Lincoln Lawyer Season 3 Storyline and Cast
The storyline of the upcoming season is adapted from The Gods of Guilt, which is the fifth book in The Lincoln Lawyer series. While the exact plot details for The Lincoln Lawyer Season 3 have yet to be shared with the public, you can anticipate what’s to come by checking out the official novel synopsis of The Gods of Guilt, which will be the basis for the new season.
The show features Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Neve Campbell, Becki Newton, Jazz Raycole, Angus Sampson, Christopher Gorham, etc. Furthermore, Season 2 of The Lincoln Lawyer introduced some new characters including Matt Angel, Lana Parilla, Yaya Dacosta, and Angelica Maria. For now, there is no official confirmation that the new season is bringing new characters. However, we can expect to see some new characters in the upcoming season.
The Lincoln Lawyer Season 3 Trailer
For now, there is no trailer available for The Lincoln Lawyer. Until it comes out, you can check out the announcement trailer of The Lincoln Lawyer Season 3 below: