The Mandalorian a.k.a Star Wars: The Mandalorian, is an American space television series created by Jon Favreau. The show debuted on Disney+ on 12 November 2019. The Mandalorian is one of the first live-action series in the franchise of Star Wars. The plot of the show is set five years after The Return of Jedi and follows the story of the protagonist the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Din Djarin, and his exploits beyond the reaches of New Republic.
The first season of The Mandalorian was a huge hit among the audiences. In February 2020, Disney gave the fans great news that the show has been renewed for season two which will come out in October 2020. As every TV show arrival is now getting delayed because of the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19, we still have our hopes up with the release date of the second season of The Mandalorian. Meanwhile, in a report of Variety, the sources informed that season three of The Mandalorian is under pre-production, and the creator has been writing the script of season three for a while now. The art department, lead by Doug Chiang, is working hard in developing the visuals and new sequences for the third season. The release date of the third installment hasn’t been announced yet, but it’s anticipated that it will premiere early in 2021.
The second season of The Mandalorian wrapped up the production in early March before the pandemic outbreak which is great news for the fans because the schedule for its premiere in October 2020 will not be delayed. Season one ended with Mando played by Pedro Pascal and The Child a.k.a Baby Yoda flying off to find their people. Recently, it was announced that Rosario Dewan will be playing the iconic Star Wars character, Asohka Tano, the character’s first live-action appearance, confirmed by Variety. Hold on to your light sabers this October for a new season of The Mandalorian!