Developed by Matt Manfredi and Phil Hay, The Mysterious Benedict Society is an American mystery adventure television series. It is based on the children’s books by Trenton Lee Stewart. Manfredi and Hay are also the executive producers alongside James Bobin, Deepak Nayar, Karen Kehela Sherwood, Todd Slavkin, Darren Swimmer and Jamie Tarses.
The series premiered on Disney+ on June 25, 2021, and had eight episodes. In September 2021, the series was renewed for a second season, which is scheduled to premiere soon.
So, when is the second season releasing? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
The Mysterious Benedict Society Plot and Cast
At the end of The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 1, we have seen that Reynie attempts to make a joke so that Dr Curtain laughs as well as falls asleep. But at that time, he does not have the same narcolepsy as Mr Benedict. After that, Reynie instead makes him vulnerable, and it makes him angry as well as falls asleep.
At the time when Kate comes, Constance uses her stubbornness to confuse as well as destroy the Whisperer. Mr Benedict comes in time and, after that, converses with his brother; later, both are angry at the other for their actions.
The expected cast members of The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2 includes Tony Hale, Kristen Schaal, MaameYaa Boafo, Ryan Hurst, Gia Sandhu, Mystic Inscho, Seth B. Carr, Emmy DeOliveira, Marta Kessler, Saara Chaudry, Katherine Evans, Ben Cockell, Shannon Kook, Ricardo Ortiz and Trenna Keating.
The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2 Release Date
The first season of The Mysterious Benedict Society was aired from June 25, 2021 to August 6, 2021. It was available on Disney+.
The release date for the second season has been confirmed to be somewhere in 2022, although an official date is yet to be announced. The series is distributed by Disney Platform Distribution.
The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2 Trailer
The trailer of The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2 is not released yet. Until it comes out, you can check the trailer of Season 1 below:
A pure Assamese and Indian from the core of my heart. I like to spend my leisure time by watching the best TV shows and I eagerly wait for more seasons. I still got a long list to wrap up.