Marvel’s The Punisher, or simply The Punisher, is an American web TV series created for Netflix by Steve Lightfoot, based on the marvel comics character of the same name. The series revolves around Frank Castle who uses lethal methods to fight crime. The makers got encouragement went ahead to release another season. We all know already due to the contract expiration between Netflix and Marvel, many of its Marvel shows, including Punisher got canceled away.
Release of season 3
All episodes of the first season were released on November 17, 2017. A month later, the series was renewed for a season was released on January 18, 2019. February 18, 2019, Netflix canceled the series after two seasons. So still the Punisher fans are waiting for an official announcement of the release of season 3.
Expected Cast
Most of the cast from the previous season will come back with their respective roles and there are chances of introduction of some new characters too. John Bernthal as The Punisher, Moss Bacharach as Micro, Ben Barns as The Jigsaw, Florina Lima as Krista Dimond, and many more speculated.
Streaming Platform
The show is announced to be discontinued so it is disheartening to accept that there won’t be any new footage or information about The Punisher from Netflix or Marvel. Let’s hope that it gets picked up for its own Disney+ series.
The Plot
The season two revolved around Frank Castle saving a girl from being murdered, forcing him to decide that should he embrace his life as The Punisher. At the end of the season, two castle resume his activities as The Punisher. we were left off season three with a new reinvigorate Frank castle accepting his role as The Punisher and fighting some new villains as their are high chances of introduction of a new villain in the new season.
So now all the Marvel fans are eagerly waiting for the season 3 or any sort of announcement related to The Punisher from any of the online streaming platform or from the Marvel studio.