Created by Jeffrey Paul King, “The Republic of Sarah” is an American drama television series starring Stella Baker in the titular role, alongside Luke Mitchell, Megan Follows, Izabella Alvarez, Ian Duff, Hope Lauren, Nia Holloway, Landry Bender, and Forrest Goodluck, the first season of which premiered on Monday, June 14, 2021, AT 9:00 P.M on The CW.
Faced with the destruction of her town at the hands of a greedy mining company, rebellious high school teacher Sarah Cooper utilizes an obscure cartographical loophole to declare independence.
“The Republic of Sarah” starts straightforwardly enough. Opening in the idyllic New Hampshire town of Greylock, the show introduces us to history teacher Sarah Cooper (Stella Baker), her friends, and to her own surprise, her estranged brother Danny (Luke Mitchell). Though he abruptly left Greylock, their abusive alcoholic mother (Megan Follows), and his fiancé Corinne (Hope Lauren) years ago, he’s now back as a representative of an overbearing oil company that’s ready to use every legal loophole available in order to bulldoze the entire town and dredge up the riches lurking right underneath.
Almost despite herself, Sarah finds herself stepping in front of the first bulldozer, readying for an all-out fight to save the town she loves.
Where can I watch “The Republic of Sarah”?
Exclusively available for streaming on The CW, you can also find the show on YouTube TV (Free Trial).