Created by Amy Holden Jones, Hayley Schore, Roshan Sethi based on the book Unaccountable by Marty Makary,“The Resident” is an American medical drama television series that premiered on January 21, 2018 on the Fox Broadcasting Company.
During the 2017–2018 United States television season, the series ranked #41 and averaged 7.02million viewers.
The Resident centers on an idealistic young doctor who begins his first day under the supervision of a tough, brilliant senior resident who pulls the curtain back on all of the good and evil in modern day medicine. Lives may be saved or lost, but expectations will always be shattered.
The Resident’s latest season made its debut on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 8 P.M on the Fox Premiere.
Season fourcontinues to shine a light on the daily heroism of today’s health care workers. The provocative medical drama follows the doctors and nurses at Chastain Memorial Hospital, as they face personal and professional challenges and fight for their patients’ health.
Where and how can I stream “The Resident”?
The Resident is available for streaming on, Disney+Hotstar, Amazon Video, and on subscription service Hulu.