The Rig is a horror-thriller-drama television series that has been developed for Amazon Prime Video. The series has directed by John Strickland and created by MacPherson. The first season was released in January 2023 and already got renewed for a second season.
So, what is the release date for the second season? Who will play the lead roles? What is the plot of the series? Continue reading to know the further details.
The Rig Plot and Cast
A rig located in the North Sea is covered in an unnatural fog and none of them are able to communicate with the rest of the world. The fog has spores which infects the crew members and they eventually behavioral changes. After looking at the spores, a scientist available at the oil rig suspects that an ancient parasite has been released from the ocean floor.
Coming to the cast members, it includes Emily Hampshire as Rose Mason, Martin Compston as Fulmer Hamilton, Iain Glen as Magnus MacMillan, Mark Bonnar as Alwyn Evans, Rochenda Sandall as Cat Braithwaite, Owen Teale as Lars Hutton, Richard Pepple as Grant Dunlin, Calvin Demba as Baz Roberts, Emun Elliott as Leck Longman, Stuart McQuarrie as Colin Murchison, Abraham Popoola as Easter Ayodeji, Dougie Rankin as William Johnson, Nikhil Parmar as Harish, and Mark Addy as David Coake.
The Rig Season 2 Release Date
The first season of the show was released on 6 January 2023 and it consisted of six episodes in total. In February 2023, the series was renewed for a second season.
However, the developers have not reveled any specific release date for the second season yet. The upcoming season is expected to have same number of episode like the previous season.
The Rig Season 2 Trailer
A trailer for The Rig Season 2 is still a few months away. Until then you can watch out the trailer of the previous season below: