Written by Sarah Walker and Jonathan Gavin, based on the psychological thriller novel by Michael Robotham, “The Secrets She Keeps” is an Australian psychological thriller drama television series set in Sydney and is about two women from vastly different backgrounds with explosive secrets that could destroy everything they hold dear that officially premiered on 22 April 2020 at 8:45 P.M on Network Ten.
The show made its debut in the US on Monday, April 19, 2021, at 10:00 P.M on AMC with a set of six episodes.
Two women living in a suburb outside Sydney, Australia. Although similarly aged as 30somethings and similarly pregnant at 9 months along, Meghan (Jessica De Gouw) and Agatha (Carmichael) are otherwise quite different. Meghan is an aspiring influencer, a mommy blogger with 90,000 followers of her Mucky Kids blog. On it, she posts and vlogs about her two children with husband Jack (Michael Dorman), a TV sports reporter, and about her “oops baby pregnancy.” Jack and Meghan didn’t plan to have a third child—and her excitement far outweighs his—but by all appearances, their lives seem perfect. They live in a gorgeous home; their children are healthy; and Meghan’s blog is increasingly popular.
Where can I watch “The Secrets She Keeps”?
Exclusively available for streaming on Network Ten, AMC, BBC, you can also stream the show on Apple TV, Sundance, TVNZ, Amazon Prime (cancel anytime), and YouTube(Free Trial).