Directed and written by Nathaniel Martello-White, The Strays is an upcoming British horror thriller film. Air Street Films and The Bureau are the production companies involved with the film. The music for the film has been composed by Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch. The film features some popular personalities like Ashley Madekwe, Bukky Bakray, Jorden Myrie, Samuel Small, Maria Almeida, Justin Salinger, and others.
So, when is The Strays Season 2 releasing? What is the plot? Who would come back to play the lead role? Continue reading to know further details.
The Strays Plot and Cast
The lead character of the film here is Neve who has been living a peaceful life for a long time. His family members also live with him and he has also been working at a private school where he is happy and satisfied with his job. She eventually discovers a strange man and woman who have been appearing frequently in different moments and she begins to have some doubt about her sanity. She eventually approaches her friends and family members for some help but none of them are ready to listen to what she has to say.
Coming to the cast members, it includes some very popular personalities from the entertainment industry like Ashley Madekwe as Neve, Jorden Myrie as Marvin, Bukky Bakray as Abigail, Samuel Small as Sebastian, Maria Almeida as Mary, and Justin Salinger as Ian.
The Strays Release Date
Principal photography took place between September and November 2021, in London, Suffolk, and Berkshire counties. The Strays is set for release on Netflix on 22 February 22, 2023.
The film is produced by Air Street Films and The Bureau. The film has been produced by Valentina Brazzini, Tristan Goligher, and Rob Watson.
The Strays Trailer
The official trailer for the upcoming film has arrived already. You can have a glimpse of the film from the trailer.