Created by Felix Barrett and Dennis Kelly, The Third Day is an upcoming mystery drama television miniseries. The series is directed by Marc Munden and Philippa Lowthorpe and is networked by HBO and Sky Atlantic. Viewers will be able to stream this series on HBO in September 2020. The story is set in a mysterious island where there are only 93 inhabitants. Two outsiders visit this place and come across several strange activities, symbols and dangerous rituals. This miniseries is divided into two arts “Summer” and “Winter.” Just after the teaser release in early 2020, this miniseries started getting attention, leaving the audience wanting for more.
Release Date and Trailer:
The initial release date of the series as announced by HBO was May 11, 2020. However, due to the coronavirus situation, the production was delayed causing an obstacle in the release of the miniseries. The good news is that the mystery miniseries has been rescheduled for a September 14 premiere in the U.S., and September 15 in the UK.
Yes, there is an official trailer by HBO and it looks eerie. Take a look at the trailer below to grasp if there is “something special about this place” with it’s “secretive inhabitants”.
The Plot of The Third Day:
The official synopsis on HBO goes like: “The show is divided into two parts: ‘Summer’ and ‘Winter.’ In ‘Summer,’ one man (Jude Law) visits a mysterious island off the British coast and discovers a group of inhabitants intent on preserving their home at any cost. In the second half, aka ‘Winter,’ a strong-willed outsider (Naomie Harris) comes to the island seeking answers — but instead causes a battle to decide its fate.” Split into six episodes, the series is divided into two parts. There is an air of tension and mystery in the trailer makes the series appear promising and spooky.
The Cast of The Third Day:
The cast members of this miniseries are Oscar-nominee Jude Law as Sam, Katherine Waterston as Jess, Paddy Considine as Mr Martin, Emily Watson as Mrs Martin, Naomie Harris as Helen, John Dagleish as Larry and Freya Allan as Kali.
The cast members are seen sharing stills and trailer of The Third Day on their social media accounts.
Masters's in English Language and Literature, I love creating content. You would often find me sitting in front of my laptop and binge-watching a series. Also, I have a knack towards photography.