The Undeclared War is a cyber-thriller that is set in the backdrop of 2024 and is written and directed by Peter Kosmisky. This series has a lot of awakening hours of Kosmisky as he reported having invested a great deal of effort while researching the level of work required to produce The Undeclared War. He aimed at painting a realistic picture of the Western world’s intelligence field by putting up the reality of how much of a battlefield cyberspace is emerging to be. Keep reading to know more about the upcoming series of The Undeclared War.
The Undeclared War: Plot and Cast
The story follows Saara Parvan, aged 21, a GCHQ intern. Quite suddenly, Saara discovers herself amidst high-stakes cyber warfare following a routine test of stress of internet infrastructure that goes not as expected. An exciting and thrilling mouse chasing follows through the episodes, whereby Saara and her team try to remain a step ahead of the antagonist’s upcoming and unforeseeable moves. As will be seen in the series, winning a war is indeed difficult when one is fighting and the public is not aware of the same.
The Undeclared War is having a cast that includes Hannah Khalique-Brown as Saara Parvin, Simon Pegg as Danny Patrick, Maisie, Richardson-Sellers as Kathy Freeman, Edward Holcroft as James Cox, Adrian Lester as Andrew Makinde, Alex Jennings as David Neal, Mark Rylance as John Yeabsley, Kerry Godliman as Angie McMurray, German Segal as Vadim Trusov, Joss Porter as Phil, and Tinatin Dalakishvili as Marina Veselova.
The Undeclared War: Release Date
The Undeclared War releases on August 18, 2022, Thursday, on Peacock. There are six episodes to the show, all of which become available at once to Peacock users.
The Undeclared War: Trailer
The official trailer of The Undeclared War is out. Click on the link below and give it a watch: