The Vampire Diaries is a supernatural teen drama series. The show is based on the book series of the identical name by L.J. Smith. Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec develop the show and premiere on CW. The first season of the series published on September 10, 2009, and the eighth show on March 10, 2017. The Show is coming back or not for season 9 . Good news to the fans as there are several updates concerning the The Vampire Diaries Season 9.
The Vampire Diaries Season 9 Release date;
With the plot as interesting as ever and the most loved Cast and the amazing plot by the author. The Vampire Diaries season 9 will most likely be published next year. As the productions are enjoying a long-Break due to Covid 19 so this series is also affected by that.
Who will join the Cast ?
There were so many characters in all of the 8 episodes of this series and all these characters were well portrayed. Some of the characters that have enjoyed love and attention from readers and actors are listed. Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert, Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore, Ka graham as Bonnie Bennette, Candice King as Caroline Forbes, Zach Roering as Matter Donavan, Kayla Ewell as Vicki Donavan, Joseph Morgan as Klaus mikaelson, etc..
And these characters will be back in season 9 of the vampire diaries. Yet, we have to wait for the new characters for this series. Along with this there is some sad updates about the cast. Moreover, The main character Nina Dobrev, won’t be coming back as Elena Gilbert. Not only this we’re really sad to announce that Paul Wesely wouldn’t come back as Stephen Salvatore either. although this may be true. But still there is hope that the plot might be exciting to engage us as an audience.
Interesting Facts About The Vampire Diaries Seasons.
Supernatural abilities aren’t the only things the characters make us love them. Nina Dobrev can speak Bulgarian and French, Paul Wesley can speak Polish and Kat Graham knows Spanish, French and Hebrew.
As can be seen, all episode titles in Season 6 are named after 90’s songs which still makes sense after the plot.
Additionally, Zach Roerig (Matt Donovan), Michael Trevino (Tyler Lockwood) and even Paul Wesley (Stefan) all originally auditioned for the role of Damon. Thank god they were not casted!!!
Furthermore, There are many characters that were not introduced. The books feature other supernatural things like angels and foxes. Well, there’s always room for these supernatural beings in a spin-off season!
What can we Expect in Season 9?
As the Previous plot followed the same as of Book Series by L.J. Smith. However, there were some changes in the plot but we can expect the same plot in this season too. Therefore, The Hunter Moonsong will be the basis for this season too!!!.